We had a very busy and fun weekend.
On Friday morning, I took Josie and Elyse to story time at the library. Josie hadn't been in quite awhile, so she really enjoyed it. We also checked out some library books for Josie for the first time. She has really liked having new books to read, and has already started memorizing some of them! Friday night, we went to the Lawrence 4th Fest, which has carnival rides. Josie says she had fun, but you can't tell when she is on the rides - she has such a serious look on her face! She rode the carousel three times, motorcycles, cars and fish! We didn't stay too long, because of the heat.
On Saturday, we took an hour drive to Edinburgh Outlet Mall for some bargain shopping. We ended up staying there all day! The girls did so well. Josie had fun talking to all the sales people and walking through the stores. Her favorite part was getting her first happy meal at McDonald's! She ate all of her cheeseburger, apple dippers and milk! This was the first day in her life that we made her skip her nap! She didn't sleep until the ride home at 5pm. That girls loves her naps, thankfully! She was pretty crabby that evening, but she has caught up on the sleep now.
On the 4th, we started the day with donuts, and then went to my parents house. We had a yummy lunch, and then headed over to their neighborhood pool. Josie wants nothing to do with the baby pool, she wants to be in the BIG pool! She wants to do it all by herself, so it can be a struggle to get her to let us hold her. She would stay in the pool all day if we would let her. She jumped in the pool to daddy over and over, and loved that! That evening, we were debating on whether Mike should take Josie to watch the big fireworks, but decided that Josie was too tired, and might be scared anyway. So, Mike went and bought some little firecrackers for us to do at home. Josie was a little scared at first because we started with a loud one. There would've been pictures with Josie and I doing sparklers, but brilliant me decided to step on some ash and burn my foot! Think I should've been wearing shoes! Oops!
Yeah! Welcome to blogland! We are thrilled to follow you and LOVE all the pics. Glad you had a fun weekend.